An Individual’s Choice
Whereas, there is no color for an American and we are a people whether we were born here or immigrated here;Now therefore, let it be adopted that any United States/state/local government form that requests that citizens identify their race, creed, color or ethnicity, have as the first category “American” to be put in an equal or more prominent position than the other categories.
“The passage of this legislation, will be the first day of post-racial America.”
“Should this legislation be an amendment to the United States Constitution?” “If so, why?” “If not, why?”
The Rationale
As an immigrant and as an attorney in the U.S. Army Reserve, I have experienced how this is a unique and inspiring nation. It has been my experience that native born Americans are not as aware or appreciative as to how exceptional and accepting this country is, flaws and all.
While no country is perfect, it is remarkable how immigrants can move here and become so acclimated that they feel as American as if they had been born here. As citizens, native born and immigrant, we are all in this endeavor together and should be free to check “American” whenever we are asked for our race, creed, ethnicity or cultural background, for there is no preconceived, conventional category for any citizen. The categories are inherently deficient if they do not include ‘American” as the first choice. This is an acknowledgement of our unity as a nation and that we stand together as sisters and brothers. It is for each citizen to make their individual choice as to how they perceive themselves.
Actions you can take:
Petition the President
Go to whitehouse.gov to sign the petition to get President Trump to opine on this unifying legislation.
Congressional Representatives
Solicit your Congressional representatives to support this legislation. Click on these links to reach the Senators in your areas as well as the Congressmen and women for your state.
State Representatives
Solicit your state’s elected representatives to make this the law in your state. Click here to find the state representatives in your area.
Support CheckAmerican, LLC.
Go to “GoFundme” to pledge $1 or $5 to help so that CheckAmerican, LLC can further support this effort.
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